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The Golf Course/Hotel Video

Friday, October 31, 2008


Quick update for everyone. On the right side of the page there is an area I added with links to articles I write for eHow. Please feel free to read them and comment as you please. These articles will further expand your knowledge on the game of golf.

Stuart Proctor

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Now that's cool. thanks for sharing that with us Stuart. I remember you mentioning the baby was on the way.. How cool is that to have a mini soon to be golfer in the fam, huh.. Well maybe. Just remember baby boy might not like golf okay. :) Now back to work. We need lessons.MightyDreamer

The baby did arrive on September 17th and is a healthy boy. I would love nothing more to get the little guy on the links. I am sure any young boy would love to just be with his dad and play a little golf. However, if he decides one day he doesn't want to golf I will support him and never push them. Golf is a game of fun along with other sports and when a person doesn't want to take the sport seriously then they shouldn't. However, who knows maybe we will have a new touring pro out there in 18 years from now.

Thanks for the feedback and start them young but make it enjoyable.


Sunday, October 5, 2008

Tiger Woods

Hey Stu, I think that tiger is going to come on even stronger when he returns to the field. He stated earlier this year in an interview that his knee had been bothering him for many years now. And when I look at that I see major championships and other tournament wins included in that time span. If his knee is completely healed when he returns I believe he is going to win three or four of the majors next year!!

I couldn't agree more with you. I believe he is taking the time and healing well. He won't quit the game of golf until he smashes the records so no one ever comes close to him. And I heard from a friend he has been working out a lot at the gym. Thank you for the post and look forward to hearing more from you.

Stu Proctor