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The Golf Course/Hotel Video

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Now that's cool. thanks for sharing that with us Stuart. I remember you mentioning the baby was on the way.. How cool is that to have a mini soon to be golfer in the fam, huh.. Well maybe. Just remember baby boy might not like golf okay. :) Now back to work. We need lessons.MightyDreamer

The baby did arrive on September 17th and is a healthy boy. I would love nothing more to get the little guy on the links. I am sure any young boy would love to just be with his dad and play a little golf. However, if he decides one day he doesn't want to golf I will support him and never push them. Golf is a game of fun along with other sports and when a person doesn't want to take the sport seriously then they shouldn't. However, who knows maybe we will have a new touring pro out there in 18 years from now.

Thanks for the feedback and start them young but make it enjoyable.


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