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The Golf Course/Hotel Video

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

New Video

This is a rough cut of the new video for our Hotel/Golf Course. The guy wacking away at the golf club is yours truly. Take a look and comment if you would like.


Anonymous said...

Hey Stu, I liked the video. It was well put together and you - and the resort - were repesented very well.
I couldn'f find where I could leave a comment on your home page, without commenting on something you or someone else had posted. So I will ask my question on here.
Lately, I have been having trouble getting my wrist flat at the top of my swing, meaning the face of my club isn't parallel to my forearm, causing mishits of many sorts. Do you know any drills I could try to kepp my wrist flat at the top?

Anonymous said...

That's pretty awesome Stu!!!!! You are famous:)

Unknown said...

nice golf video. It is very interesting and informative for an aspiring golfer like my self. I wish i could visit the resort. Will be checking out your other posts Stu. :)

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