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The Golf Course/Hotel Video

Monday, September 15, 2008

Get More Distance!!!

Here are a few tips and tricks to get more distance on your drives. These are fairly easy and can help beginners to the more advance. Remember self-discovery is the key to success.

-When taking your stance, turn your toes outward from each other. This will create a bigger turn creating more power and distance.

-Make sure you are loaded on your back leg when you take the club back and then transfer that wight to the front foot during the downswing. Most amateurs will have a reverse "C". They will start with their weight on the front foot and then end up on the back. This is a danger zone and will shorten the length of your drives tremendously. Always remember, you wouldn't throw a football or baseball from your front to your back, instead you would load up on your back foot and then transfer it to your front.

-Third, when taking your back swing try to extend your arms backward as if someone were stretching your arms. This will create a wider arc which will increase your swing speed.

There are many more tips and tricks for hitting longer shots, but play around with these three for a while and see where it takes you. Remember, you don't want to many swing thoughts going on at once.

Stuart Proctor, PGA

To see an article that was written by me, go to


Anonymous said...

Hi Stu,
I'm just beginning my new season of golf and I was wondering if their are any specific workouts/exercises I can do to improve my game?
Thanks Willie

Anonymous said...

Excellent tips on how to get more distance very helpful