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The Golf Course/Hotel Video

Sunday, September 28, 2008

How To Fix A Sloppy Cut!!

This is in reference to the comment left on my last post:

Before I get started I would like to inform everyone of how a slice happens, since most people have the wrong idea. He mentioned that he was coming across the ball, from outside to in. This will actually cause the ball to fly left of your target line. The clubface being open will cause the slice you are talking about. Saying this, I am assuming that your ball flight is starting left of the target and then slicing back towards or past the target line.

First, I would like to get your ball flight in line with your target and stop it from going left. What I recommend doing first is to change the swing path. I am assuming you are starting your club path inside and you are getting stuck, forcing your body to swing the club out to in on the downswing. Let's make an easy adjustment by trying to take the club back while keeping it outside the target. It will feel like you are pushing the club out away from your body. Then when you get to the top of your swing, you can easily drop the club inside. This will cause the ball to fly toward your target line or a little right of your target. This is what we want.

Drill for the above mentioned:

Take your regular stance then move your back foot away from the ball(backwards). This is called a closed stance and will promote a inside to out swing. Only do this while practicing on the driving range.

Second, the reason for the slice is an open clubface. There are a few things to help close the clubface. First, rotate your forearms a little quicker then usual. Now, don't break the wrist just fire the forearms through. Also, try slowing your lower body down and make the first move with your upper body. This will help your timing and get you square at impact. The third thing I would do, but only as a last resort, is to make your grip stronger. With your lower hand on the club rotate it clockwise so that you see more of your palm and less of the top of your hand. This will promote quicker rotation through the ball. You can also use the drill above to help with squaring the clubface since it will also slow your lower body.

Hope this helps and please continue to visit.

Thank you


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