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The Golf Course/Hotel Video

Monday, November 3, 2008

John Daly Arrested!!

Here is the mug shot after John Daly was arrested for being drunk and uncooperative.

Friday, October 31, 2008


Quick update for everyone. On the right side of the page there is an area I added with links to articles I write for eHow. Please feel free to read them and comment as you please. These articles will further expand your knowledge on the game of golf.

Stuart Proctor

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Now that's cool. thanks for sharing that with us Stuart. I remember you mentioning the baby was on the way.. How cool is that to have a mini soon to be golfer in the fam, huh.. Well maybe. Just remember baby boy might not like golf okay. :) Now back to work. We need lessons.MightyDreamer

The baby did arrive on September 17th and is a healthy boy. I would love nothing more to get the little guy on the links. I am sure any young boy would love to just be with his dad and play a little golf. However, if he decides one day he doesn't want to golf I will support him and never push them. Golf is a game of fun along with other sports and when a person doesn't want to take the sport seriously then they shouldn't. However, who knows maybe we will have a new touring pro out there in 18 years from now.

Thanks for the feedback and start them young but make it enjoyable.


Sunday, October 5, 2008

Tiger Woods

Hey Stu, I think that tiger is going to come on even stronger when he returns to the field. He stated earlier this year in an interview that his knee had been bothering him for many years now. And when I look at that I see major championships and other tournament wins included in that time span. If his knee is completely healed when he returns I believe he is going to win three or four of the majors next year!!

I couldn't agree more with you. I believe he is taking the time and healing well. He won't quit the game of golf until he smashes the records so no one ever comes close to him. And I heard from a friend he has been working out a lot at the gym. Thank you for the post and look forward to hearing more from you.

Stu Proctor

Monday, September 29, 2008


Hi Stu,

I've heard from my buddies in golf that it's the indian, not the arrow. As a beginner-intermediate golfer, I want to groove my swing more before I invest in clubs. I tried looking at my divots and where I'm hitting it on the club but can't really figure out what to do to my clubs. How important is clubfitting to my game? And, given the number of companies out there with marketing claims, who really makes the most precise clubs in golf?

Thanks, Bubba


Yes, a good swing is key to becoming a better player, however, golf is much different then shooting a bow and arrow. People have different swing paths and swing speeds and at impact are at different positions. See a bow and arrow has little outside factors affecting the arrow. I would say the only factors in shooting an arrow is aim and wind. However, there are a ton of factors that come into play when talking about hitting a great golf shot and being square at impact.

I would most definately take a few lessons froma PGA Golf Pro and also incorporate a clubfitting lesson in with it. Your swing is going to be the same as you start except perfected. However, you won't change your height, which effects the clubfitting process.

Long story short, every single tour player gets fit for clubs and they all have different mixtures. Tiger may be 2 degrees up wheras Gary Player is 2 degrees flat. You can only get your swing so good and then you need to have the right equipment.

As far as brands go, all of the leading makers, titleist/callaway/adams/taylormade and more all are very comparable. I would say pick up some of those clubs and see what looks best to you. I believe that it is more of the shaft that makes you hit straighter more consistent shots and the head of the club just needs to look good to you. Yes, titleist makes more clubs for the better players and callaway is geared more towards higher handicappers. However, they all have clubs for all playing abilities.

I hope this has helped you in some way or form.

Stuart Proctor

Sunday, September 28, 2008

How To Fix A Sloppy Cut!!

This is in reference to the comment left on my last post:

Before I get started I would like to inform everyone of how a slice happens, since most people have the wrong idea. He mentioned that he was coming across the ball, from outside to in. This will actually cause the ball to fly left of your target line. The clubface being open will cause the slice you are talking about. Saying this, I am assuming that your ball flight is starting left of the target and then slicing back towards or past the target line.

First, I would like to get your ball flight in line with your target and stop it from going left. What I recommend doing first is to change the swing path. I am assuming you are starting your club path inside and you are getting stuck, forcing your body to swing the club out to in on the downswing. Let's make an easy adjustment by trying to take the club back while keeping it outside the target. It will feel like you are pushing the club out away from your body. Then when you get to the top of your swing, you can easily drop the club inside. This will cause the ball to fly toward your target line or a little right of your target. This is what we want.

Drill for the above mentioned:

Take your regular stance then move your back foot away from the ball(backwards). This is called a closed stance and will promote a inside to out swing. Only do this while practicing on the driving range.

Second, the reason for the slice is an open clubface. There are a few things to help close the clubface. First, rotate your forearms a little quicker then usual. Now, don't break the wrist just fire the forearms through. Also, try slowing your lower body down and make the first move with your upper body. This will help your timing and get you square at impact. The third thing I would do, but only as a last resort, is to make your grip stronger. With your lower hand on the club rotate it clockwise so that you see more of your palm and less of the top of your hand. This will promote quicker rotation through the ball. You can also use the drill above to help with squaring the clubface since it will also slow your lower body.

Hope this helps and please continue to visit.

Thank you


Saturday, September 27, 2008

Sorry For Not Blogging

Hey everyone,

Sorry I have not been putting on the daily hints and tips of golf. I just recently had a baby boy and have been out of commision for a week and a half. I will continue to write and keep you updated. In the mean time please give me some suggestion of what you would like to hear. Maybe something in your game that needs some fine tuning. Hope all is well and take a look at the links on this page as well. There are many helpful resources on here.


Monday, September 15, 2008

Tiger Woods

Just wanting to see what other peoples opinions are. What does everyone think of Tiger Woods and his knee injury? Do you think he is going to come back just as strong? Do you think it will be detrimental to his career? I would like anyones and everyones opinion.


I don't recommend hitting a lob shot, expecially for a beginner, however sometimes it is necessary. Read this article about how to hit a lob shot.

Do it Yourself Clubfitting

The best way to fit your clubs is to see a local PGA Professional that has a fitting system. This will give you the most accurate readings. However, those of use who do not want to spend the money can do some simple steps to help fit your clubs to you.
First, you want to determine the lie of your golf club. Take a swing and a divot out of some grass. If you noticed that the Toe of the club is deeper then the heel, or vice versa, your clubs need to be bent. If the toe end is deeper that means your club is too flat. If the heel is deeper it means that the lie of your club is too upright. From there, go into a local shop and ask them to bend your clubs accordingly. Explain to them that the lie of your club is to flat and you need them 1 or 2 degrees upright, depending on the severity of the depth difference. This may not be exact but gets you closer to the correct lie. Do just the opposite if you lie is too upright.
Lastly, you will want to see if the length suites you. Hit some golf balls and then look at the face of your club. If you are hitting more towards the toe then your clubs need to be lengthened. If you are hitting more towards the heel your clubs need to be shortened.
I wish everyone the best and having the correct equipment can help your game tremendously.
Stuart Proctor, PGA

Get More Distance!!!

Here are a few tips and tricks to get more distance on your drives. These are fairly easy and can help beginners to the more advance. Remember self-discovery is the key to success.

-When taking your stance, turn your toes outward from each other. This will create a bigger turn creating more power and distance.

-Make sure you are loaded on your back leg when you take the club back and then transfer that wight to the front foot during the downswing. Most amateurs will have a reverse "C". They will start with their weight on the front foot and then end up on the back. This is a danger zone and will shorten the length of your drives tremendously. Always remember, you wouldn't throw a football or baseball from your front to your back, instead you would load up on your back foot and then transfer it to your front.

-Third, when taking your back swing try to extend your arms backward as if someone were stretching your arms. This will create a wider arc which will increase your swing speed.

There are many more tips and tricks for hitting longer shots, but play around with these three for a while and see where it takes you. Remember, you don't want to many swing thoughts going on at once.

Stuart Proctor, PGA

To see an article that was written by me, go to