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The Golf Course/Hotel Video

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Sorry For Not Blogging

Hey everyone,

Sorry I have not been putting on the daily hints and tips of golf. I just recently had a baby boy and have been out of commision for a week and a half. I will continue to write and keep you updated. In the mean time please give me some suggestion of what you would like to hear. Maybe something in your game that needs some fine tuning. Hope all is well and take a look at the links on this page as well. There are many helpful resources on here.



Anonymous said...

Hey Stu. I'm hitting a sloppy cut on all my irons and want to know how I can fix a cut. I'm cutting across the ball with the face open. Can you help? Thanks swing doctor.

DailyLoveLessons said...

Now that's cool. thanks for sharing that with us Stuart. I remember you mentioning the baby was on the way.. How cool is that to have a mini soon to be golfer in the fam, huh.. Well maybe. Just remember baby boy might not like golf okay. :) Now back to work. We need lessons.

ALLinRueThyme said...

Hey congrats on that baby boy! As it happens my sister was born on that day.

Anonymous said...

Hey Stu, I've got a nick on the face of my Titleist Vokey Wedge, I belive I hit a rock out of the bunker. The nick is a pretty good one. I was wondering if there was a way to repair/correct this problem.